彼と誰か -彫刻のための服-
He and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-
Clothing for Sculpture
A certain person emits a tranquil atmosphere. Where does that atmosphere come from? I have been sculpting to ascertain that.
When sculpting a 'person,' the presence of 'clothing' always accompanies. In society, 'person' and 'clothing' are pairs, and the influence clothing has on a person's impression and atmosphere is exceedingly significant. Clothing, through its form, color and material, can alter the atmosphere of a person or a place. Moreover, clothing, while serving as a tool to protect the body from the environment, also serves as a means of communication to express one's will and role. In other words, clothing can be seen as a tool for a person to control their mind and body in a given space, interacting with the environment.
However, the atmosphere of clothing discussed here is not merely the sense of functionality or decoration that objects or products carry.
The atmosphere I perceive from clothing seems to emanate from somewhere in this world, carrying some form of will, transcending boundaries such as society and concepts, and drifting toward a certain person from the space. Alternatively, it might be something that the unconscious will of a certain person is attracting.
Through their involvement with the will encapsulated in the medium of "clothing," which serves as a mediator between a person and space, I slowly ascertain where the intangible atmosphere, devoid of shape and color, originates from and what it truly is.

-Clothing for Sculpture-

She and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-

She and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-

He and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-

She and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-
彼と誰か -彫刻のための服-
He and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-
Edition 30
彼女と誰か -彫刻のための服-
She and Someone -Clothing for Sculpture-
Edition 30
Photo: Sherman FLEISCHER