2019 152x42x25cm japanese cypress, oil stain
Misty -意識の境界-
Misty -Consciousness Boundary-
A person stood in a certain space. The air that surrounds a person. Where does that air come from? Is the air I feel coming from the person themselves, or is it from the place where the person stood? If it's from the place, it might have been the air in the background or inside the buildings, or perhaps it was something more than the climate of the town, city, or land where the buildings stand. Even if it were from the person themselves, they might also be feeling the spaces and things they have encountered in the past. Following the air in this way, the boundary between people and spaces gradually blurs, and before you know it, you find yourself in a vast world shrouded in mist.
Scanning the boundary between a person and a space. The clothes she wears are things that connect people and spaces, and based on the faint traces of gravity and horizon remaining from her appearance, she searches for air in virtual space. The shape of a person visible on the monitor has zero weight and thickness, with no material mass or gravity felt. The world I, devoid of sensation, am observing is just light. But I'm getting closer to the sensation of "nothingness."
As if all people and things are built and accepted through various things and events, a mass of hewn cedar tetrahedrons is assembled in a lattice pattern, cut from the xyz directions by a plotter, revealing the form of a disappeared person. Then, while reconstructing the discrete mass and surface, sculpting is done while tracing the memory of the air that surrounded a person.
The "nonexistent" sculpture of a person is placed in a sterile small space. It intersects with the air of the room enveloped in the white light of fluorescent lamps. And the sensation of being unable to grasp the air spreads beyond the white walls.
Misty 2019.12,6 - 2020.1.25
void+ Tokyo
Photo:Kohei Yamamoto

Dissipating reality—Tomotaka Yasui’s female figures
Keisuke Mori
Curator, Chiba City Museum of Art
The distance of sculpture
The expression in the eyes of the female figures draws in the gazes of viewers in front of them. With their erect postures and eyes of glittering gemstones, an atmosphere of calm pervades these women. Made using the hollow dry lacquer technique, which involves applying layers of hemp cloth, and covered with delicate mother-of-pearl, Tomotaka Yasui’s sculptures are linked to time-honored traditional Japanese performing arts and have often been discussed in terms of their craft-like affinity with noh masks, Buddhist statues and dolls. Due to the softness of their forms and the restrained color of the white lacquer, they somehow evoke the warmth of the human body. And yet, due to their well-proportioned left-right symmetry, their frontality and their vague expressions, it is difficult to read their character or emotions. For several years, Yasui experimented with eschewing the use of real people as models. For this reason, it seems that his works are not necessarily devoted to visual reproducibility (though after the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, he reaffirmed the importance of standing face-to-face with actual people, and for his latest work, Misty, a real woman served as the model). Whether he is dealing with real or imaginary figures, the problem of reality that the artist confronts concerning the “existence” of human beings fills the work with ambiguity and uncertainty.
For Yasui, sculpture above all demonstrates the difficulty of giving form to one’s own senses. In thinking about this, what needs to be confirmed at the outset is that any study of humans is also directed at the subject in the form of the person doing the gazing. Yasui was born in Belgium, spent his childhood in Israel and eventually moved to Japan with his parents. One suspects this experience meant that, while he was able to assimilate various cultures and climates around the world, each time he moved he had to suspend having a fixed place for the purposes of understanding himself. Perhaps reflecting this special physical sense, Yasui’s female figures also convey the impression, despite the fact that they stand on their own with both legs firmly planted on the ground, that their very existence is continually shifting from place to place.
Grids—intersecting axes
The anguish of realizing as artworks the perceived world is probably demonstrated more clearly than anything else by the complex changes in Yasui’s methods to date. With chemically synthesized resin as his starting point, he has used various combinations of natural materials and techniques, including lacquer, mother-of-pearl, powdered brass and tin, while in his latest work he has experimented with woodcarving using a 3D plotter. In addition to poplar and Japanese cypress, he has also used acrylic cubes as a material, with constant modification continuing in recent years to address the gap between his senses and his forms. As if rejecting fixedness itself, the axes Yasui attaches importance to in order to regulate his constantly wavering self as well as his subjects are the horizontal and the vertical. Through the repeated intersection of these at regular intervals, he generates consecutive squares, or in other words grids. Variations on a range of grids can be detected in Yasui’s works, including the mother-of-pearl embellishments and cuboid forms that serve as the minimum units of his structures and the polygons and pixels invoked in his virtual spaces.
In recent years he has also experimented with expanding his sculptures further into space. An example is the project conducted in collaboration with an architect and a cabinetmaker in an abandoned house in Takamatsu, Kagawa, called Machi ni aru ie to iu chokoku (A house in a town as sculpture). Inside the building, Chokokuka no ie(Sculptor’s house), countless grids cover the floor and the furnished shelving. The space visualized here indicates a stable territory made up of the floor and wall surfaces that come into contact with the body and relates to the countless horizons and vertically towering rock faces and trees that humans have discovered in nature. Like we humans, Yasui’s female figures are also steeped in an uncertain existence in which they can only guarantee their own existence through the stability of such external environments.
Misty is a wood-carved work to which a thin coating of white paint has been applied based on its analogous relationship with the exhibition space. The title is also suggestive of a figure standing quietly in a misty place with poor visibility, reminding us of situations in which it is difficult to definitely objectify things. In creating the work, Yasui first 3D scanned a woman using specialist equipment before using software to revise at the data level such details as the hair and eyes. The various body parts were then carved out of Japanese cypress wood using a 3D plotter, and these were joined together and painted by the artist. Here, with the introduction of equipment such as the 3D scanner and 3D plotter, Yasui has in mind the complete removal of the artist’s own hands from the creative process. This was a new methodology for the purposes of better placing ambiguous “existence” between “presence” and “absence.” In this creative method, the automation of machinery using digital data becomes an important element of the work, but the clothing that covers the body as if to erase the individual characteristics of the model such as its chest, torso and hands assumes a particularly strong presence.
Clothing = interface
This is not the first time the artist has designed clothing so light it seems as if the model is enveloped in air. It would seem that this interest in clothing was influenced in no small way by Yasui’s mother, who was a textile pattern maker. For example, in the numerous fashion magazines such as Vogue that Yasui saw while growing up, it is the clothing that is imbued with both aesthetic and commercial value. This reversal of the relative positions of clothing and the model’s body would appear to correlate with the dilution of physicality and the foregrounding of the clothing seen in Yasui’s female figures. Here, however, we should probably pay attention to the fact that the clothes covering the models occupy the position closest to the artist’s physical senses. Yasui asserts that for humans, clothing itself is “the first layer of skin.” Hidden in the background of this assertion is a penetrating critical spirit with respect to the view of sculpture in Japan since modern times, which reflected on the origins of life in the depths of the human body and pursued the nude as the very ideal of sculpture.
Clothes, which are located on the outermost position with respect to the body inside in order to protect or adorn it, become a contact surface for the feelings and physical senses such as sight and touch directed at the object. Another term for this is an “interface.” Yasui’s sculptures truly take as their subject the artist, the figure in front of him and the entirety of the “misty” space the envelopes them both, with this surface as a boundary. Another artist who took up as a subject this orientation to the space surrounding the subject and attempted to sculpt the “distance” between the artist and their model was Alberto Giacometti. As the work of someone who does not rely solely on visual reproduction, Yasui’s sculptures come close to the small, slender figures of Giacometti, who tried to express the infinite distance between himself and his models, and deviated considerably from reproducibility. At the same time, there is a decisive difference that separates the two. They are both tactile and visual, but in contrast to the horizontality of the awareness Giacometti directs at the models sitting in front of him, Yasui’s sculptures demand an almost dermal perception that involves the entire surface of the body. But exactly what kind of subject is the mysterious “dissipating existence” that is generated through such perception?
The first clue to answering this can probably be found in the mother-of-pearl, gemstones and lacquer Yasui has used as materials in the past. While they make up the contours of the surface, the luster of the mother-of-pearl in which shells are elaborately shaped and the brilliance of the gemstones incorporate multi-directional and indeterminate qualities that, rather than establishing distinct boundaries, dissipate outwards. In the case of the lacquer, or the sap included in the hemp cloth, too, we should pay attention not only to the reflections of the glossy luster, but to the very chemical reaction related to molecules in the atmosphere during the process whereby it dries over a long period of time.
Surfaces as cave paintings
Isamu Wakabayashi is another sculptor who dealt with the relationship in which the self and the subject are separate yet connected in the space in which they exist. In his 1982 essay “Sakaigawa no hanran” (Flooding of the Sakai River), he wrote as follows about an event he experiences one day when it was raining.
Due to the rain, the surfaces alone of the people and buses I was looking at were emphasized. Moreover, these surfaces acquired density, rendering ambiguous the shapes of the people and buses. In addition to this, the sheets of rain falling between myself and these people and buses made me feel connected to them while rendering the subjects even more indistinct. (1)
In other words, due to the natural phenomenon of rain, Wakabayashi’s attention was drawn to the “ambiguous” surfaces of himself and his subjects, and he further discovered that in space filled completely with water drops, both were related to each other as a “connection.” The question of consciousness that Wakabayashi continued to pursue throughout his lifetime is in fact deeply rooted in his experiences of encountering Paleolithic cave paintings in Europe, and the vast deserts and remains of ancient civilizations in Egypt in the 1970s. The sensation of discovering surfaces of the earth that had accumulated time well in excess of a human life in the form of the traces of lines etched in wall paintings in caves or geological formations, and of being drawn to the “density” hidden behind his subjects, became an indispensable element in Wakabayashi’s subsequent practice. In the ambiguity of contours and of presence observable in Misty, I get a strong sense of an orientation to density that is of the same quality as Wakabayashi’s.
Under the conditions of contemporary society, in which our awareness of “the present” is unceasingly covered in excessive information, Yasui practices with his sculptural work a resistance to this time that passes at an increasing tempo and to this metamorphosing space. As part of this, he superimposes on the surfaces of his sculptures the density of time and space as the “depth” that was once perceived together with humidity and light in various places around the world. The world itself fills these thin surfaces and furthermore forms wide, deep, boundless presences. Perhaps the figures Yasui creates in his search for the depths of a perspective aimed at this overwhelming reality trigger in us a nostalgic feeling like a landscape we have seen somewhere before. However, for viewers to venture further than this is by no means an easy thing. Because, just as cave wall paintings and geological formations were for Wakabayashi, the surface characteristics of the clothes of the female figures at once assume the role of an interface while possessing qualities that anyone can read. At the very moment one tries to venture further into its depths, this surface can turn into a “barrier” to one’s senses. In the context of Yasui’s sincere and unceasing practice, these female figures that have been given form as “mist” stand quietly in the distance in an indistinct place that fills everlasting time and space.
1. Isamu Wakabayashi, “Sakaigawa no hanran” (Flooding of the Sakai River), I.W. Wakabayashi Isamu noto (I.W. Isamu Wakabayashi notes) (Tokyo: Shoshi Yamada, 2004), pp. 182–83.
若林奮「境川の氾濫」『I.W 若林奮ノート』書肆山田、2004年、pp.182−183